The only difference between an action and a decision is the time spent thinking about it.

At the risk of not telling you to quit thinking so much, think about this: Actions become decisions the moment we begin weighing options.

Have you ever spent any real time deciding:
* how should I hold my fork?
* should I pee?
* how quickly should I hit my brake pedal?

Most likely you haven’t. But we often spend time deciding:

  • which outfit will get me the job?
  • which workshop/class will make me more hire-able?
  • which agent will get me in the right rooms?

Whenever we make a list of pros and cons regarding an action, all we’re doing is listing predictions either how something will turn out or how we’ll feel depending on how it turns out. It can be so agonizing that hiring other people to make our decisions for us has become common practice. Spiritual Intuitives have replaced the I Ching reader, while Tarot readers and Astrologists continue to thrive.

If we only knew how connected to Infinite Wisdom we truly are. Whenever things turn out perfectly, we tend to toss it off as a fluke, but it’s not. Our ability to act without hesitation is activated the moment we settle down.
There is beauty in the phrase just do it. It personifies flow. The key to “just doing it”, however, is in knowing that – no matter what – all is well.

Stress is 100% thought generated.

1. Quit thinking so much
2. Just show up, and
3. Play!

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